When you visit your parents and see the outdated computer they’re using:
When you’re making popcorn and it starts to pop:
When you wake up and realize you’re late for work:
When you immediately regret sending a text:
Graduating college and attempting to enter the real world:
Taking your drunk friend home:
When you look at food blogs:
Trying to start an essay:
When you get stuck trying to pass someone on the sidewalk:
Your reaction when your friend walks back in the room after you stole their seat:
When you comment on someone’s Facebook status and they don’t “Like” your comment:
When you’re walking and other pedestrians get between you and your friends:
When you spend half a movie trying to figure out where you’ve previously seen the actors:
When you can’t find the thing you’re searching for on Google:
When you and an acquaintance agree, “We should hang out sometime”:
When your ex tells you she made a mistake and wants you back:
Most of these come from here, here and here. I came up with a few on my own.
Your Daily Life in Gifs: Next Page–>