Fails 30 People Who Used Their DIY Powers For Evil by Mike July 18, 2019 16. This Oreo fidget spinner. 17. Studded jean pockets that probably hurt when you sit. 18. This truck covered in turf. 19. This pumpkin giving birth. Happy Halloween, I guess? 20. Crochet condoms that will definitely get your pregnant. 21. Or, this crochet toilet seat that’ll definitely get you sick. 22. These awful doll arm earrings. 23. This doll head wine glass. 24. Sperm jeans. Enough said. 25. This demented gift made from a real tooth. 26. This nail bug art. 27. A necklace made from false eyelashes. 28. A bird’s nest hair tie. 29. This bedazzled pregnancy announcement definitely made with tons of urine. 30. This lamp made from melted legos. More fails: 25 Hilarious Cake Fails Cringeworthy Photoshop Fails (15 Pics) 15 Starbucks Name Fails That Are Almost As Bad As Starbucks Coffee Itself Page 2 of 2Previous 12Next post Mike Primavera Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome facebook instagram twitter