17 Things People Would Do If They Were Trapped In Their Biggest Enemy’s Body For 48 Hours

If you could take over your enemy’s body for a couple of days, what would you do with that time? Would you be the bigger person and take care of them? Hahahaha of course not. You’d shave their pubes and superglue a unibrow on them.

These 17 people got pretty creative with this revenge fantasy.


Sign up for Scientology, take out a loan and buy all the ranks I can.


– u/vLucidState


Facial tattoos

– u/goteamventure42


Take out a large payday loan. Spend all of it. Destroy the paperwork and reroute the mailing address so they don’t know about it until it’s hit collections.

– u/Sandmint


Take out as many loans as I can, spend it all, and destroy the paperwork making it difficult to cancel them. Then I would spend the next 24hrs making as much nasty, degrading, amateur porn videos as I could and release them all over the internet and their personal social media accounts while horrifically insulting every one of “my” friends and family as I could.

– u/BreyeFox


Go to a public place, shit in my hand, and proceed to assault people with the turd.

– u/Intentional_Bread


Use his credit cards to fly to the opposite side of the world, don’t tell anyone. Party for a few hours and at 47:55, chop off his dick.

– u/restless_comrade


Photoshop his wife’s sister’s face onto porn and get caught fapping off to it. Also sign up to loads of gym memberships.

– u/TannedCroissant



I break up with his wife. He became a miserable cunt due to his wife constantly tormenting him, which led to us falling out. Hopefully, with his wife out of the picture, he can get his life back on track, and maybe we can be friends again.

– u/JimmyL2014


Quickly go and make sure THEY haven’t had the same deal offered and are going around fuckin’ up MY life in my body.

– u/Piggstein


Post a bunch of questionable (racist and whatever) stuff on their social media, try to offend literally every one of their close ones. In the end about 3 minutes before I get back to my own body, I flex seal his butthole and eat a bunch of laxatives.

– u/hulicane


Cheat on his lover, post it to all social media, gamble all of their money and get an STD.

– u/mquon775


1) Get a tattoo of dickheads on my fingers to make it look like ten dicks.

2) Shave head and all facial hair except for the chin strap and connect it all the way around the head. Sorta like this {}

3) At the last second jump in an ice bath so he can experience confusion with extreme cold just to find out after he dries off and looks in the mirror that he has a skinny ugly chinstrap of hair and ten dicks for fingers.

– u/AjumaGod


1) Fly to North Korea

2) Break any law

– u/AlieExpress


Delete their saved files of all their games.

– u/SomeAverageChillGuy


Get addicted to heroin or meth.

– u/jahboi6969


Start telling the truth.

– u/Benthenoobhunter


I would be a nice as possible, to everyone. Reconcile as many past faults as I possibly could. Do everything in my power to give hope to all that this person was actually changing for good. And then watch it all come crumbling down when they are reinserted into their body.

– u/Mahalak219

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Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome