You Just Don’t Behave Like This At A Restaurant (17 pics)

Let’s forget the clearly stated rules for a second. There are also things called social contracts. Breaking these rules are just as serious. This kind of behavior should never go unpunished. Let’s bring back the pillory so we can pelt them with rotten vegetables, but specifically for people who are rude in restaurants.

1. I see feet I’m going home.

2. Please don’t go down to brown town.

3. I love dogs but this is also a no.

4. The pillory. Look it up.

5. I’d be paying this establishment a visit.

6. The worst samurai.

7. *narrator’s voice* “It wasn’t.”

8. You can’t afford ice?

9. Gotta check if the oven is preheated.

10. Gotta be Florida.

11. Cool, thanks for the diaper.

12. McDrugs.

13. Help yourself.

14. Not how that works.

15. Just…why?

16. Don’t do this.

17. Honesty?

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Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome