Fails These Bootleg Products Are Ridiculous, But Someone Is Obviously Buying Them (33 Pics) by Mike December 1, 2020 16. I think I will have a cow, man. 17. Let’s hope these ones don’t come to life. 18. Voltrain. 19. Is this street-legal, Elliot? 20. Bee sting? 21. E.T. phone lasagna delivery. 22. Middleage Mushy Karate Lizards 23. Tommy Pickles for 3! 24. Worth more in scrap than RoboCop 25. BORT 26. Probs not offical. 27. Michelin Turtle 28. The Simpsons used to be hardcore. 29. Just do it. Nike can’t stop you. 30. Basically the Sonic movie. Page 2 of 3Previous 123Next Mike Primavera Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome facebook instagram twitter