30 Photos From Confusing Perspectives You’ll Need To Look At A Few Times To “Get”

These photos weren’t taken with any kind of special camera. In fact, anyone could have taken them if they were in the right place at the right time.

As with most art, timing is everything. That, and perspective.

Thankfully, there’s an entire Reddit page devoted to sharing the silly, strange, and spellbinding photos that require the viewer to look at a few times before they figure out what’s happening in them.

Each of these photos is like an Escher painting. You’re left confused, aroused (intellectually), and then finally satisfied when you figure out what you’re looking at.

Here are the most interesting photos from a confusing perspective:

1. Is the sky missing a few pixels or…?

2. The angle on this dog.

3. Is he wearing clothes?

4. Two-headed beast.

5. I hope you’re insured.

6. Woman’s hat looks like… something else.

7. The inside of the book looks off.

8. Where did the legs go?

9. Really don’t know who’s who.

10. Scratching her back or is this a horror movie?

11. Old baby.

12. Frozen windshield cover.

13. Cat head.

14. Tree cat.

15. The light hits the glasses.

16. Child with popcorn.

17. Dog on bear blanket.

18. Deer dog.

19. Don’t wear a suit the same color as your chair.

20. Cat eating pole?

21. Nope.

22. When you see it.

23. Who’s there?

24. A lady with three legs.

25. What’s your problem, man?

26. Bird teeth.

27. Camels at the straight part and the black part are shadows.

28. Got me.

29. Big stretch.

30. Here’s my daughter… where’s the rest of her?

h/t Reddit: r/ConfusingPerspective