Just A Few Important Things Everyone Should Know How To Do (15 New Pics)

This is the age of “do it yourself.” I mean, why wouldn’t you? One Google search and you can find a guide or video on how to do just about anything. But what if you couldn’t?

What if you got a flat tire or a dead battery in the middle of nowhere and your phone didn’t have service? Can you change a tire? Would you know how to jump a battery? Do you even know where you are without GPS?

The point is, you should have some key knowledge banked. These are a few things everyone should know. Even if you never use it, it’s good to have on hand.

If you want to check the previous list of Things Everyone Should Know How To Do, click that link.

1. Opossums are actually pretty great. Just ignore them when you can.


2. The way you paint can completely change a room.


3. The best way to pack a hiking bag.


4. Tattoo Pain Chart


5. I mean, you never know…


6. How to talk with a human at the IRS


7. Let’s be honest, unless you’re The Rock this isn’t going to end well. But at least try.


8. I know it has helped me many times. Could help you or someone else.


9. Cool guide of words you can use instead of very.


10. How to tie the strongest knot there is in four steps. Comes in handy more than you’d think.


11. Do it.


12. Good way to remember.


13. Could save someone’s life.

14. Saying no is difficult for some.


15. Easy to remember.


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome