People Are Sharing The Basic Adult Skills They Never Learned And The Good News Is We’re All Equally Dumb (23 Tweets)

Can you change a tire? Sew a button? File your own taxes? Chances are you can do some of these things but not all.

The fact of the matter is that, no matter how competent we feel, all of us go through life with glaring blind spots and gaps in our knowledge of basic adult skills.

After all, that afternoon you spent learning how to change a tire was an afternoon you didn’t spend learning how to bake a cake.

A Twitter user named Jenée recently came to the realization that not only are “adult life skill” knowledge gaps common, they’re also interesting.


Everyone’s blind spots are different and it’s honestly fascinating to compare our many glaring weaknesses. So let the comparisons commence!

1. Some are charming, some are weird, and some are pretty inexcusable. Like this Ivy-Leaguer who can’t use a mailbox

2. And this other Ivy-Leaguer who can’t read a thermostat


4. This person who can’t do a normal whistle is not (that sh*t is easy)

5. This escalator wimp

6. This casino drop-out


8. This guy who will never make it in the music biz


10. This bad Canadian

11. This hapless home-improver

12. This telephone phobic

13. This meat confuser (It’s CHICKEN, SUSANNAH!)

14. This left-right conundrum that might be a medical condition

15. Yeah you might wanna get this checked out

16. This wide-of-the-mark receiver

17. This silent snapper

18. This frustrated consumer

19. This fruitless orange-eater

20. This painfully relatable one




Jason Mustian

Jason Mustian

Jason is a Webby winning, Short-Award losing humor writer and businessman. He lives in Texas with his amazing wife and four sometimes amazing kids.