Vandalism is bad unless it’s done by clever people. No one wants to see weird dirty thoughts etched into a toilet stall. We would, however, love to see some funny writing on a passive-aggressive note or a silly message covering up a street sign or two.
Not all vandals are created equal. Banksy, for instance, is sending messages of hope or speaking truth to power. Spray painting your name on a playground or sticking a hand in wet cement is not creative fun or wholesome. If you want to know the right way to make vandalism into art, look no further than this post.
I hope these photos inspire you to make your wholesome art.
Here are examples of when vandalism made something better:
1. This vandal helped us get into the holiday spirit.
3. Ufo Kidnapping A Cow In Dresden
6. “If There’s Something Strange, In Your Neighborhood”
7. Offer Him To The Gods
8. They make the sign match.
9. Vandals speak… something… to power.
10. Fight the power.
11. Reminding us of our favorite characters.
12. Never will I do this.
13. Vandals often cover up less creative vandalism.
14. If it’s important here, you should care about other neighborhoods as well.
15. Just good old-fashioned fun.
16. Did a goose do this?
17. Don’t knock it until you try it.
18. People need help finding it.
19. When a child find’s grandpa’s label maker, she becomes the vandal of the house.
20. They point you where to go.
21. Encouraging basic hygiene.
22. Give this vandal a lifetime appointment.
23. Say no to cleaning up stuff.
24. “Egads, my knob!”
25. Please. We deserve it.
26. A wise man once said…
27. Better than the boring mess that was there.
28. More likely to buy these now, honestly.
29. I can finally relax. What a nice choice.
30. Hey, girl, what are you doing later?
31. A policy we can all support.
32. They encourage safety.
33. They celebrate our favorite characters.
34. They know their limits.
35. They’re musical.
36. Ugh… You got your wish!
37. They give back to the community.
38. A heads up.
39. The sign was asking for this to happen.
40. A true rebel.
41. This person brightened up our day while spreading factual COVID information.
42. A little nerdy but bada**
43. For your health.
44. Vandals have valid questions.
45. Too afraid to swear but not afraid to fight a cop.
Speaking of law enforcement, it’s important to note that vandalism is a felony if you deface something valuable enough. If it’s the side of a brick building, you’re probably safe. If it’s the Lincoln Memorial, better find that orange vest because you’re about to be picking up trash by the highway.
h/t Reddit: r/mildlyvandalised