When you imagine embroidery , the typical image that pops up is of sweet old ladies diligently stitching Bible quotes onto soft pillows. But things have changed. Thanks to the amazing subreddit known as r/Embroidery , we’re now witnessing a whole new level of crafting . This isn’t your grandma’s embroidery anymore; it’s where talented artists come to show off their skills and take this traditional art form to mind-blowing extremes.
1. “Some Love For Microbes”
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2. “This Is A Cute Hand Embroidered Chipmunk Brooch I Made Recently”
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3. “My 3rd Project Is Complete, Aside From Cleaning Up The Back”
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4. “Reference Photo And Embroidery Work Mashup. She’s So Cute”
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5. “My Fingers Are Still Intact But Barely 🙂 French Knot Labyrinth Pattern By Nomadembroideryco On The Back Of A Denim Jacket! Already Thinking About What To Add To It Next”
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6. “Jessica Long Chickadee Pattern With Additional Stumpwork. Quite Fun”
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7. “Graduation Cap From Nursing School. Took About 30 Hours, Hand Embroidered, Beadwork, And Felt”
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8. “Tiny Strawberries & Even Tinier Bees”
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9. “T-Rex Shirt For My Nephew”
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10. “Baba Yaga’s House Embroidery I Just Finished!”
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11. “Beautiful Work”
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12. “Stitched This Screamy Boi For A Friend’s Birthday. I’ll Never Work With Sulky Metallic Threads Again”
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13. “Skull Of A Skeleton With Burning Cigarette By Vincent Van Gogh Embroidery”
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14. “Portrait Of A Slightly Annoyed Cat”
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15. “Cobi In The Park By Me”
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16. “Just Finished My Fancy Pie!”
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17. “My First Self-Design Black Work Embroidery I Ever Did. It Took Me 33h. Hoop 22cm, Aida 14ct, Dmc 699 & 4210”
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18. “First Try At 3D Embroidery With A Wire”
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19. “Tiny Landscapes In Progress”
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20. “Ramen Bowl!”
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21. “Mushrooms + Kitties, What More Could You Ask For??”
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22. “All The White Stitches Are Done, Now For The Climbing Roses And Objects In The Windows”
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23. “Finally Finished My Mollymauk Tealeaf Coat”
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24. “Obsessed With This Pattern From StainedGlassStitch On Etsy! It Was A Joy To Stitch”
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25. “My Embroidered Io Moth”
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26. “My First Hoop Embroidery Design!”
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27. “Fox And The Hound”
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28. “Miniature Custom Wedding Bouquet Embroidered With 2mm And 4 Mm Silk Ribbons”
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29. “Just Earned My Masters Degree And Went All Out On My Graduation Cap”
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30. “Snow Angel! Enjoyed Stitching The Different Textures But Stitching A Person For The First Time Was Challenging”
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31. “Just Finished This Mirrorball For My Friend’s Studio! Almost Entirely Stitched With Metallic DMC Threads”
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32. “Lil Wip! Anatomical Drawing From The 1800s”
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33. “Introducing My Cats As King Bubba And General Miles!”
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34. “I Hand-Embroidered Some ‘Motivational’ Messages”
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35. “April Showers”
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36. “A Snail Using A Mushroom As An Umbrella From The Rain. Made This Design Up As I Went And I Think It Came Out Pretty Good!”
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37. “My Recent Bird Embroideries”
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38. “Started In March And I Am Hooked. These Are My Latest Four”
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39. “Spine Pt. 1 Of 2”
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40. “Beauty And The Beast Stained Glass”
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