30 Men Share Times A Woman’s Touch Really Classed Things Up

Ladies and gents, step right up for a whimsical ride through the land of lace, potpourri, and those fancy little soaps no one’s actually allowed to use!

We’ve gathered 30 hilarious tales where men tip their hats (and maybe their whole balance) to the wonders of a woman’s touch. Because let’s be honest, who else could turn a bachelor pad‘s ‘vintage’ (read: disgusting and old) couch into a centerpiece worthy of a home magazine?

This Reddit thread has men sharing times a woman moved into their bachelor pad and really classed the place up. Read on for the details.


Gr8BrownBuffalo,Dovile Ramoskaite

I came home once from work. She’d made an awesome dinner. Put cut up strawberries in the salad.

Strawberries guys. It was game over.

Been married nine years now and she’s still doing everything on a strawberries-in-the-salad level.


csamsh,Christian Bass

Water glasses everywhere, bathrooms are now a disaster, lost my race tire storage room, and there’s a cat, dog, and 4yr old running around now. (The last one is half my fault). Totally worth it, she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.


Themadking69,Sincerely Media

She changed the sheets. Like, what is this? Buckingham Palace?


Big-Routine222,Claudio Schwarz

She always gets vanilla candles and now this house always smells like a bakery and GOD DAMMIT I LOVE IT.


shytster,Cheryl Winn-Boujnida

She replaced my cardboard box with an end table. Unnecessarily.


A friend of mine -who grew up with his dad and two brothers- told me they found out his dad had a girlfriend when suddenly a candle appeared in the living room out of nowhere. – The_Sceptic_Lemur


Worked on a ship when a female cook-steward started working there, before the crew were all male.

Within a couple of days the mess and galley were transformed. Tablecloths, curtains, coasters, it was really all new, the galley became a water-cooler kinda place where you always could go to have a chat and get a snack, the galley always smelled of cooking and she was listening to her radio. It was a real game changer from the former grumpy guy and sterile setting. Our skipper loved it. – ThaCapten


mahade,Minh Pham

My formerly pristine white walls suddenly had art on them.

My front door grew a doormat.

My bathroom got a wicker basket with cheesy slogans on the interior lining. “Home is where the heart is” and other such remarkable sayings.

The walls in my shower now contain, what I can only assume is also decorative in intent, long strands of hair.

The drain needs regular cleaning because it, too, is full of long hairs.

The kitchen is always clean and I have 12 different glasses for all kinds of beverages. And 8 cups for variations of coffee and soups.

The fridge keeps track of all the cards we received. Since she moved in, those are many. Before her, I received none.


rata_thE_RATa,Emmanuel Ikwuegbu

She stopped me from almost burning down my apartment when she pulled an entire stuffed animal worth of lint out of my drier. I didn’t know that was a thing.



She made a raised flower bed in my backyard and planted a nice little vegetable garden.


magusmccormick,Curtis Adams

My bed was a mattress on the floor for like 5 years, she bought a bed frame. Married her.


I work in a male dominated industry, and in a smaller office the women were the reason for the kitchen being clean, there being cake and cookies on birthdays or just for fun, for team picnics and fun activities being had.
And finally bring on a team with a 50/50 gender ratio, the men even picked up on some of it, especially in terms of emotional ques. Compliments on a haircut, checking in when someone seemed down, a little 5-7 or gift when someone achieved something or like, had a baby.
My own little women team were so close, none if us wirk together anymore, but we still talk all the time, we’d vompliment each other, tell each other we love them, always help one out.
Emotional labour of women in companies is HUGE. – pkzilla


For myself, it is scented hand soaps. As a bachelor, I got whatever orange-looking cheapo bottle I could get. My girlfriend/wife moves in and loads up on bakery-scented hand soaps in the bathrooms. One day, when I got home, I told her we had to have a serious adult discussion. ‘What scent to pick out next?’ To this day, ‘serious adult discussion’ is code for ‘Out of soap. What should we use next?’ – Whizbang35


kareth117,Huỳnh Đạt

You ever play a game you think you’re doing pretty well with. I fought the minions. I explored the castle. I beat the boss. I saved the princess. I did all the stuff. I succeeded. I beat the game. In this analogy, I cooked, I vacuumed, I did laundry, I dusted here and there, and overall took good care of my home. I own my own little place, and I did what I could to make an old place look at least lived in and comfortable and clean. I organized it to the best of my own ability, taking time to map out the rooms and layout and all that. I really felt like I’d done a decent job. Friends often told me “I feel at home in your home.” A girl I’d never met was the +1 of a dear friend for a New Year’s party I hosted coming into 2020 (ah, innocent times) who told me she felt safe enough to have someone else make her drink for her at my party. That was an incredible compliment. I did the thing, ya know?

Then I met my fiance. She’s finishing a degree in interior design, and when she moved in, worked with me (fully cooperative and communicated) to change the decor and layout of the house. Literally no issue whatsoever. Bachelor pad and “home we will share together” are dramatically different looks. Keep that in mind, fellas. It isn’t YOUR way anymore. You blend and compromise and grow.

Anyway, wow.

My house looks so much nicer. Like, I thought I knew how to play this game. I beat the boss, lol. But man. She came in with the up up down down combo breaker b******t and turned my house into a home. We repainted the living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom. We’ve changed decor. We’ve added pictures and rugs and lights. I dunno, man. My house doesn’t look like “MY” house anymore because of her… It looks so much better. We work really well together because we’re both understanding that this is a home we SHARE, and so there are influences of my style, her style, all that. The office where I work was basically 100% my design because I’m the one primarily there. She wanted to do a room for herself, and we decided on the bedroom. We both felt fulfilled, respected, and heard. I know some guys don’t like the idea of the lady’s touch. Those guys either have ladies who don’t listen to them or they don’t listen to their ladies, because this whole mutual respect thing really worked out well for me, at least.

10/10, I advise getting yourself one of them there “lady’s touch” designer gals. Mine is top notch 🙂


CoolandGroovy,Ketut Subiyanto

A warmth and happiness I didn’t know I was missing and CERTAINLY didn’t know how to cultivate. Art, glassware style unity, refrigerator organization, multiple sets of sheets…
The list goes on. A million little touches that compile a happy home.



I couldn’t keep my motorcycle in the living room or my tools and parts in the kitchen cabinets anymore.


BillionaireGhost,Vladyslav Dukhin

Apparently I am supposed to have pictures of my loved ones in my house. Who knew?


My wife still tells the story. We’ve been together for 6 yrs. She said that when she first saw my place she immediately had fratboy/treehouse vibe to it. Bare room, Non-matching furniture. Nothing on the wall. She added pictures on the wall, made the balcony nicer and organized my kitchen so everything is easily accessible. When we moved into our house, she organized everything. Things did change a little after living in it for a year. She did realize how I wanted my kitchen (primary cook). I ended up putting stuff where I wanted it, so she made changes. I absolutely love our house now. We have friends come and hang out atleast twice a month. We’ve cooked and entertained for as many as 15 people, and it turned out great. Highly recommend a woman’s touch to your treehouse/prison cell decor. – antons83


stumpytoesisking,Dương Nhân

Pictures, curtains, cushions. Little tables to put your drinks on. Coasters! So much stuff, bless her.


depressedboi,Timothy Buck

My house is plain as f**k. My ex had it looking like a home. Decor/rugs/wall hangings etc etc. It was 10x better. She took it all when she left and I never got around to trying it out myself. I should tho. It really looked so much better.




We have shower towels, hair drying towels, bathroom hand towels, kitchen hand towels and certain towels for wiping your mouth and then different towels to clean with

Never try to wipe your hands on the wrong kind of kitchen towel or to wipe up a spill with the wrong towel.


SuvenPan,Adrianna Rae

Lots of plushies moved in with her, some of them now sleep on the bed.


ButtervomBaum,cottonbro studio

The million shampoo bottles and all the seasonings.


Spiritual_Review_754,Sixteen Miles Out

It was bare, terrible feng shui, random clutter, no decorations, no plants, dusty, bed mostly unmade. I had a massive wrap around couch in my bedroom that I salvaged from the street, which was quickly relocated.

Endless candles. New cooking utensils I’d never seen before in my life and didn’t know how to use. Toilet roll that used to last me years now lasts months. I eat more healthily, drink less, go on nice trips more. Generally massive improvements with minor drawbacks.

9/10 recommend.


UnoriginalUse,Emre Can Acer

Different sizes of tea cups. I used to just make tea in a ceramic 1L beer stein.


So many blankets everywhere. – OxtailPhoenix



My messy fridge turned into a very clean and organized *refrigeratohr*


Ulysses502,Hannah Busing

We now have, without exaggeration, 15 end tables in the house. 4 more in the attic just in case.


CherryManhattan,No Revisions

Lotions. For different seasons. She has a method to which ones she uses when. And they’re not cheap either.


Malthesse,cottonbro studio

I think for me the biggest difference is having a more well-stuffed fridge, and just in general having more fresh food and a more varied and healthy diet compared to when single. When living alone I just mostly stocked up on the bare minimum when it came to food, and could have the same type of meal for several days in a row.

I have actually always been very much into decorating and flowers and such – perhaps more so than my partner – so that part didn’t really change much.


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome