Ah, grandparents. Often the unsung heroes of family gatherings, and indeed a treasure trove of laughs. You see, there’s something wonderfully unique about these funny grandparents that comes from someone who has seen decades of life, pop culture shifts, and tech revolutions. It’s like they’ve been marinating in wisdom and wit for years, and when they finally let it out, it’s comedic gold. Remember the time grandpa tried to swipe on a printed photo thinking it was a touchscreen? Or when grandma referred to emojis as “those tiny colorful faces on the phone”?
These perfect blends of innocence, experience, and a touch of “I’ve lived long enough not to care” attitude make grandparents’ antics so darn shareable online. Here’s to the funny grandparents out there and their unintentional internet fame.
1. “Found On A Grandma’s Camera After A New Year’s Cruise”
21. “I Recently Moved To Colorado, My Grandmother Smoked Pot Legally For The First Time. She Has Been Listening To A Dubstep Frank Sinatra Song On Repeat For An Hour And A Half”
When he's not doomscrolling Twitter or writing for Pleated-Jeans, Nate Armbruster writes jokes—and then tells them on stage as a stand-up comedian, where he can watch audiences (hopefully) laugh in real-time.