Hey there, mamas and papas (and everyone who’s ever rolled their eyes at a ‘mom joke’)! Ever wondered why moms can’t just have their cake and eat it too? Well, Mary Catherine Starr is here to illustrate the hysterical highs and lows of momhood—with a cheeky side of double standards.
Her “MomLife” comics are a delightful blend of relatability and revelatory truths, showcasing the often-unspoken household inequality moms face daily. Because let’s be real, if Dad wears a baby sling once, he’s “Father of the Year,” but if Mom forgets the sunscreen? Cue the mom-shaming! So brace yourself for some chuckles, nods, and “Oh, that’s so true!” moments, as we dive into the comedic universe of “MomLife.”
More info: Instagram | marycatherinestarr.com | Facebook