Pregnant Woman Finds Out Her Husband Is Cheating On Her, Bans Him From The Delivery Room

Giving birth to a child is one of the most important days in the life of any woman, and according to many doctors and parents, the presence of the father during childbirth allows for closer family bonding.

Many parental training courses and health professionals recommend a partnered delivery, but as we all know, that’s not always feasible.

Being cheated on is the worst, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with the person or how much you care about the situation, no one likes to be made the second option.

Being cheated on when you’re pregnant with the adulterer’s baby is a level of hurt of its own. In the vast majority of cases, this ends in divorce – as in this story. However, here the divorce was only the beginning.

This story went viral on Reddit’s “True Off My Chest” community and has already collected over 14.1K upvotes and nearly 2K different comments. The author of the post wrote her side of the story, merely wanting to express her feelings, and in return received vast amounts of support.

Fabio Goveia (not the actual image)

This distraught and nervous mother told Reddit, “I don’t want my ex-husband in the delivery room. I thought it went without saying but now people act like I’m the devil.”

Well soon to be ex. We are separated and I’m waiting for the divorce to be finalized. He cheated on me with someone he works with. We have been trying for a baby for 3 years and when I told him that I was finally pregnant he broke down and confessed. I asked for divorce and he moved out. he moved first in with MIL. Now he lives with his AP.

Here’s the full story, as the OP tells it:

Image Source:  Skinny Guy Lover

Later on, OP added an edit to the post after receiving so much support and positive feedback.

Thank you everyone I see that the vast majority here understands me which is a relief. I thought I was going mad with my "high demands". MIL is the only one supporting me. Probably she is the one I'm having with me. I still haven't decided if I wanted somebody in the delivery room with me but it would be her if anyone. The father and the rest of the family can wait in the hospital. I don't mind that.


Redditors in the comment section offered advice and support for the OP, validating her feelings and setting her on a path of healing and new beginnings. Below are some of the top comments:

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What advice do you have for this user and women everywhere going through similar situations? Let us know!

h/t BoredPanda