40 Funny Times Kids Were So Dumb That Adults Just Had To Share

Kids are amazing. The light of our lives. The hope for our future. Yadda yadda yadda. They can also be pretty stupid sometimes. And that’s what we’re here to talk about today — those instances of kids being stupid that we couldn’t help but laugh at.

People are sharing such stories on Reddit — and we can’t get enough. From tricky parents pulling reverse psychology to get their kids to do something good for them, to the hilariously weird games kids invent, these kids being stupid will have parents and non-parents alike laughing out loud.

So go on and scroll. And don’t feel bad! Kids are dumb. And it’s totally okay to roast children who did something silly. 

1. Get This Man A Phd

2. I Dont Know What To Say

3. Fun For All The Family

4. My gf teaches 1st graders. Her school’s “no tag” policy is working great.

5. Liar

6. A Better Version Of Hide N Seek

7. Close one, kiddo

8. What Was The Thought Process?

9. Free stickers

10. Kids Are Way Too Gullible

11. So Caring

12. Kick Me Again When I’m Sleeping

13. Sam by day, Captain Ravioli by night

14. Nice

15. Having To Call Toxicology

16. Glad This Didn’t Exist When I Was A Kid

17. “sex”

18. The Anniversary Of This One.. I Was The 11 Year Old

19. Never Felt Better

20. Genius

21. What The Heck

22. Ah Yes, How To Get A ‘Free’ Cookie

23. I Have No Idea How Mad I Should Be

24. My Daughter’s Elementary School Emailed This Photo So Parents Can Claim Lost Glasses. The School Only Has 190 Students

25. 5 Year Old Donated $400

26. My Brother Everybody…

27. Beautiful Message For Veteran’s Day

28. My Literal 7 Year Old Daughter Answering A Philosophical Question For School Work

29. What A Pleasant Thought

30. My Little Brother’s Got This On His Wall

31. Baby Sees His Dad In His New Haircut

32. Kid Drew All Over My Mom’s Ralph Lauren Purse

33. My 2 Preschoolers Just Did This To An *entire Bag* Of Cable Ties

34. Why I Hate Commercial Planes

35. My 6yo Begs Me To Play Minecraft With Him And Then Does This The Whole Time To See His Half Of The Screen Better

36. Behold, My Enderman Costume From When I Was 11

37. They Really Are

38. Kid Forgot To Clear His Search History

39. This Is What “Help Me” Looks Like

40. When Dad Spend Hours Building The Ship For Son To Destroy It

Read More: 50 Funny Mom Memes For All The Strong Women Raising The Next Generation

Alex Buscemi

Alex Buscemi

Writer. Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

@whatsupboosh on socials.