40 Nostalgic Technology Pics To Bring Millennials All The Joy Of Beating Minesweeper

Ah, the good old days of floppy disks, dial-up internet, and brick-sized cell phones. If you’re feeling a bit weary from the relentless march of modern technology, we’ve got just the thing.

Transport back to a simpler time with some nostalgic technology pics. Remember when the height of luxury was owning a Walkman or when you had to blow into a game cartridge to make it work? Those were the days.

In this article, we’re celebrating the quirky, clunky, and downright charming gadgets that defined our past. Scroll through for some nostalgic pictures and get ready to laugh, reminisce, and feel a warm, fuzzy feeling as we revisit the tech that made yesterday a whole lot more fun.

1. Hampster Dance

2. Setting up Windows 98

3. Defragmenting Drive C

4. This is how we traced images in the 1980s

5. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (1992)

6. Microsoft Office Word Art Gallery

7. The Hewlett Packard 200LX (1994).

8. DoomEd, the DOOM mapping software from id Software

9. Pipe dreams screensaver

10. CyberSpot Internet Cafe

11. Rogue Squadron 3D (1998)

12. Nokia 3310 (2000)

13. The Sony Aibo (1999)

14. IBM ThinkPad 240X with a 10.4″ screen

15. Y2K warning sticker

16. Windows 98 Plus: Underwater

17. JPL’s website from 1995

18. SimCity 2000 theme pack

19. Translucent everything

20. WebFerrett

21. Half-Life (1998)

22. 3D Pinball Space Cadet

23. The Accuratus Mouse Phone was an optical mouse that doubled as a Skype phone.

24. Windows XP Plus! Aquarium

25. Southwest’s website in 1999

26. iTunes (2001)

27. Fallout 2 (1998)

28. Downloading Napster

29. Download dot com’s top game downloads (1996)

30. DOOM (1993)

31. Bryce (1994)

32. Caesar 3 (1999)

33. Blade Runner (1997)

34. AOL CDs

35. PowerBook G3 (1998)

36. Sony CLIÉ NR Series

37. StarCraft (1998)

38. Encarta 99

39. Universal Studios’ website (1995)

40. 3D Maze

Read More: 30+ Funny Memes About Being In Your 30s That Will Remind Millennials To Stretch Their Backs And Drink Some Water


Alex Buscemi

Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

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