44 Funny Times People Had Awful Taste But Great Execution (May 24, 2024)

The Awful Taste But Great Execution subreddit (r/ATBGE) is a treasure trove of terrible tattoos,  sculptures, paintings, clothes, and other designs. But here’s the kicker — they are pulled off with such a high level of skill that although they’re offensive to look at, you can’t help but appreciate the execution.

This funny pic dump features all manner of horrors that’ll have you say, “Who could possibly want that!?” Then you sit with it for a minute and say, “Y’know, whoever made this has a lot of talent.” Imagine a Michelangelo-caliber masterpiece crafted by someone with the sensibilities of a 10-year-old boy. That’s basically what we’re working with here.

Scroll on to be simultaneously horrified and impressed.





1. Someone put a tramp stamp on the Mothman statue in Point Pleasant, WV

2. A TV set from the 70s.

3. Vintage coin purse, date unknown

4. My friends this is called the jellyfish haircut

5. Princess Mononoke Furby Forrest Spirit

6. Casio solved a problem nobody had in 1979

7. The Garfield Bikini

8. For the cheap price of 500 dollar, you too could look like steampunk-Goofy

9. Saw this and thought you guys would appreciate it

10. My wife’s friend gave this chair a glow up.

11. my girlfriends 21st bday cake

12. Face Sprinkles

13. Ring watches

14. Baja be thy blast

15. Haircut

16. This suit

17. This art installation made of thousands of dead flies.

18. $2000 for this custom made used sink.

19. this drag queen’s final premiere look

20. This Wallet

21. Getting undressed

22. Octopus Bomber Jacket

23. Skateboard wheels on a Porsche

24. A repeating dickbutt pattern laser engraved on a 2014 Macbook Air.

25. This Jesus and Minnie Mouse tattoo

26. It’s a look I guess.

27. This ring with breast milk and baby’s hair in the shape of the first letter of their name

28. Claws

29. Spartan Barbie

30. Presenting The Skeletal Dress…

31. Literal Crocs

32. I kinda love it.

33. I’m curious as to what this wedding dress is meant to symbolize

34. Swags B)

35. God Emperor Leto Atreides Enters The Chat…

36. 9/11 themed chess set…


38. Finger Finger Nails

39. Extreme “Duck Feet” nails

40. En suite carpeted bathroom

41. Hand-knitted portrait of King Charles. Took her over a year.

42. It’s a turtleneck

43. The tea bag goes in the top and out the bottom

44. Crocheted Exorcist scene with demon vomit

Read More: 40 Funny Pictures For Your Morning Dose Of Laughter (May 24, 2024)


Alex Buscemi

Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

@whatsupboosh on socials.