Here’s An AI Art Thread Literally No One Asked For — U.S. Presidents As Disney Princesses (48 Pics)

Twitter’s own Cam Harless has been using Midjourney AI to reimagine the U.S. Presidents in various forms, and the themes just keep getting weirder yet more creative.

I can’t get enough of it, so whenever he comes up with something new, I have to share it. From elderly babies to professional wrestlers, Cam has thought of it all. This latest theme portrays the presidents as Disney Princesses, and they’re truly amazing.


2. George Washington

3. John Adams

4. Thomas Jefferson

5. James Madison

6. James Monroe

7. John Quincy Adams

8. Andrew Jackson

9. Martin Van Buren

10. William Henry Harrison

11. John Tyler

12. James K. Polk

13. Zachary Taylor

14. Millard Fillmore

15. Franklin Pierce

16. James Buchanan

17. Abraham Lincoln

18. Andrew Johnson

19. Ulysses S Grant

20. Rutherford B Hayes

21. James A Garfield

22. Chester A Arthur

23. Grover Cleveland

24. Benjamin Harrison

25. Grover Cleveland

26. William McKinley

27. Theodore Roosevelt

28. William Howard Taft

29. Woodrow Wilson

30. Warren G. Harding

31. Calvin Coolidge

32. Herbert Hoover

33. Franklin D. Roosevelt

34. Harry S. Truman

35. Dwight D. Eisenhower

36. John F. Kennedy

37. Lyndon Johnson

38. Richard Nixon

39. Gerald Ford

40. Jimmy Carter

41. Ronald Reagan

42. George H.W. Bush

43. Bill Clinton

44. George W. Bush

45. Barack Obama

46. Donald Trump

47. Joe Biden

48. “And, as always, he invented electricity, the corset, and never once financed a waterbed, but paid in cash, our true first and best president, Benjamin Franklin.”

Read also: 39 Trippy AI Art Generations That Seem Normal Until You Notice They’re Optical Illusions


Nate Armbruster

Nate Armbruster is a stand-up comedian and writer based in Chicago who is likely writing a joke as you read this. Find him online at