25 Interesting Picutres That Answer The Question “What Happens If… ?”

Ever wonder what happens if you hang a fake wasp’s nest? Or if you drop a water bottle from 1,000 feet? Neither have I. But now I know, and as a purveyor of useless information, it is my duty to pass the knowledge I’ve gleaned onto you.

Without further ado, here are some interesting pictures that answer the question “What happens if… ?”

1. You needed to check your tires? Tires have a wear bar indicator

2. Your brand got cancelled in the US? The Aunt Jemima brand still exists in Colombia.

3. You saw… Two, random, yet almost identical dudes on a train.

4. You hung a fake wasp’s nest. “I have a fake wasp nest and real wasps started to build on it.”

5. You wanted a cold beer? This bar has an ice strip to keep drinks cold.

6. A water bottle dropped thousands of feet? The atmospheric pressure difference from 14,000 feet, down to 550 feet.

7. A house got struck by lightning? “Lightning struck my parents house.”

8. Poland Pangea was real? Globe only with Poland.

9. You wanted to stay in Amsterdam? A hotel where the rooms have location names rather than numbers.

10. You wanted a new way to wipe yourself? Toilet paper with wavy perforations.

11. You wanted some fresh sushi? Sushi restaurant staff carving up giant 700 pound bluefin tuna.

12. You wanted Fanta in Italy? Fanta in Italy has no dyes or artificial flavors.

13. You wanted to DIY a bike? Bike welded together using multiple bikes

14. You wanted to spit out your gum in Japan? Japanese gum comes with a pad of paper to wrap it up and throw it away later.

15. A toad fell in the fire? “This toad jumped in my campfire and got carbonized overnight.”

16. You grew some spicy peppers? Home grown Carolina Reaper.

17. You were a blind wine drinker? Wine has braille on the label.

18. You lived in a smaller country? Size difference between countries for a jacket.

19. You knew who you were paying? T-shirt company puts a picture of the person who made it on the tag.

20. You needed to move some XL tires? Truck hauling extremely large tires.

21. You wanted a baguette in France? Baguette vending machines in France.

22. You forgot an apple? Fully dehydrated, but not moldy apple.

23. A van was left on its own in San Diego? “I took a photo of the same Volkswagen van 11 years apart without realizing it in San Diego.”

24. A sink drained to the floor? Sink for handwashing drains straight to the floor.

25. You wanted to know where rivers came from? The start of a river.

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Alex Buscemi

Alex Buscemi

Writer. Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

@whatsupboosh on socials.