Reddit “Buy It For Life” is a place for practical, durable, and quality made products that are made to last. People are sharing the cool things they’ve discovered while thrifting, restored or bought new.
To “buy it for life” means to find something that was built to last. Not only is it just cool, but it’ll also save you money in the long run. They just don’t make things like they used to.
We’re a pretty wasteful society when you think about it. We’re conditioned to just buy something for the cheapest price just to throw it away later and replace it. Why bother when you could find something that was made to last? If you buy it for life you’ll only ever need one.
1. “My car turned 30 today and rolled over 247,000 miles. KBB says it’s worth no more than $1,318 ($250 on a trade-in). Guess I may as well keep it.”
2. “These Russian Valenki felted wool boots, made entirely out of hardened wool that served me so well here in Texas in ver the past couple days. No soles, no form, basically like wearing snowproof 2-inch thick hard wool socks. Had them for 5 years, no sign of wear.”
4. “Bought a set of silicone resealable bags 4 years ago and they’re used every day and still in perfect condition. Haven’t thrown a single zip-loc away in all that time!”
9. “Finally found a genuine used Irvin flying jacket with a beautiful patina that is the perfect fit: couldn’t afford a new one ($1000+) and I’ll be keeping this for a long, long time. So damned warm!”
17. “Colman Snow-Lite Low Boy cooler from the 60s. Gifted to me from my grandparents who picked it up from a thrift store nearly 20 years ago. Still holds ice for nearly a week!”
18. “8 below. Rolling blackouts have hit. Behold my grandmother’s vintage Pyrex percolator. All pieces are intact and in use. We shall not suffer from a lack of coffee!!!!”
22. “40 years of laundry. My parents bought this in 1980 when they first got married. It’s also live a life as a pretend boat and turtle shell when I was little. It’s in great condition and I’m so happy to be giving it more life.”
23. “Still sporting my dad’s Coleman Classic tent from the ’70s. No leaks, and doesn’t require a rain fly. All original poles intact after 44 years. Buy it for life.”
24. “Stainless steel measuring cups and spoons from Lee Valley Tools. My parents have been using theirs for 25 yrs and I’ve had my own set for about 10 yrs.”
28. “Our 1930’s GE refrigerator in our cabin has been running perfectly for over 40 years since bought the cabin. Aside from one day when installing new floors we have never unplugged it.”
30. “My grandmother gave me her Gingher Scissors today (in the original box!), she used them for ages before she taught me to sew with them about 15 years ago. Beautifully sharp now, just as I remember them being years ago.”
When he's not doomscrolling Twitter or writing for Pleated-Jeans, Nate Armbruster writes jokes—and then tells them on stage as a stand-up comedian, where he can watch audiences (hopefully) laugh in real-time.