21 Americans Share The Biggest Medical Bills They’ve Ever Received

Healthcare in America is a mess, to put it lightly.

People go in for something as simple as a routine check-up or an unexpected ER visit, and they end up with massive hospital bills that can take years to pay off. It’s not uncommon to hear stories about someone getting slapped with a $10,000 bill for a minor procedure or a $50,000 charge for an emergency surgery, even with insurance.

The system is so broken that insurance often doesn’t cover everything, leaving people scrambling to figure out how to pay the difference. It’s even worse for those without insurance, who get hit with full, sky-high costs.

Many people end up having to choose between essential medical care and financial stability, which shouldn’t even be a choice.

Scroll on for people sharing the biggest medical bills they ever received.

1. “My son‘s hospital bill after he foolishly chose to be born with fluid still in his lungs.”

2. “Cost of a 5 hour ER visit in the U.S.”

3. “US Hospital Bill for a broken arm & surgery. Medical care here is a joke.”

4. “$6.8 million hospital bill.”

5. “I heard Reddit likes American medical bills. This covers about half of my cost from the accident.”

6. “My hospital bill after a single MRI brain scan in the US.”

7. “My cousins child birth bill from the hospital in the USA. Never seen anything this high.”

8. “My daughter’s medical bill after staying in the NICU for 12 days Queens County, NY.”

9. “The bill I received after a 17-mile ambulance ride.”

10. “My brother fell while rock climbing and broke his neck, back, and ankle. This is what the bill looks like for two surgeries, a week hospital stay, the neck/back braces, and ankle cast.”

11. “My hospital bill for a transplant. USA, Louisiana”

12. “What the actual f—k. My son visited the ER and his doctor saw him for less than 3 minutes total. This is his doctor’s bill (not included in the $900 ER bill we’ve already paid). This system is broken.”

13. “Won’t complain when we get our health insurance bill this month after seeing my father’s bill for a 2 week hospital stay!”


15. “U.S. Anesthesia Bill for Planned V—l Delivery.”

16. “Broke my ankle and finally got the hospital bill. This does not include ambulance, anesthesia, post checkups.”

17. “My daughter was in the hospital for 6 days. This is what they tried to bill vs what was paid.”

18. “Our hospital bill (USA).”

19. “I had to pay $39.35 to hold my baby after he was born.”

20. “I’ve been dreading this hospital bill for my son’s birth and my emergency surgery. So happy about my insurance right now.”

21. “HOLY S—t!! My son’s birth hospital bill (plus 2 weeks in NICU).”

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Alex Buscemi

Alex Buscemi

Writer. Billionaire. Astronaut. Compulsive liar.

@whatsupboosh on socials.