30 Funniest Cat Pictures Shared In the ‘My House, Not My Cat’ Online Group

Who doesn’t love a surprise visit from a furry friend? Especially when it’s a cat who’s decided to grace your home with its presence.

It’s like they know that we need some extra love and affection. Even if you’re not a cat person, it’s hard to deny the charm of these uninvited guests who seem to make themselves right at home. And with social media, we can share the joy with people all over the world.

So next time a cat drops in unexpectedly, embrace the moment and snap a pic to share with the folks over at My House, Not My Cat on Facebook.

1. “These Six Kitties Parked Outside My Front Door For Few Hours Looking In. A Couple Were Tiny. Must Have Smelt The Squid I Was Cooking Up”

Con Keramidas

2. “You’d Think He Lives Here. He’s Been Visiting Us Since Mid-November Of Last Year And He Has Truly Made Himself Comfortable. He Visits A Lot Of Our Neighbours Too”

Rachel Lancaster

3. “This Is AC The Tunnel Cat”

Ciara Ann

“The not my cat turned my cat after being found in my air conditioning vent. He quickly became obsessed with my pregnant belly, and is now obsessed with the small human that I clearly created just for him.”

4. “Woke Up To This Today”

Annelie Birtner

“Not my cat, still have no idea how she gets in… but she has claimed my pillow as hers… and she purrs like a tractor.”

5. “My House, Now My Cats. Found These Two In The Middle Of The Road A Few Weeks Ago”

Daisy Salmon

“Very skinny, very cold, and scared. They’re now both snuggled up on the sofa, with full bellies and plenty of snuggles.”

6. “I’ve Been Working On Finding This Girls True Home”

Taylor Dison

“Fb pages took her to see if she’s chipped. Etc (she did have an old collar, but no tags). She is obviously pregnant, and today she started bleeding heavily, I took her to the vet and they told me her 1 kitten has passed away. So Tomo. She will have surgery to have the baby removed and to be spayed. I cannot afford this but have such a heavy heart about this kitty. So we do what we must.”

7. “After Almost Three Months Of Taking Over My House And Tiptoeing Around Each Other, My Little Feral Kitty Has Finally Warmed Up To Me!”

Jesse Knight

“It was like something snapped and now she has discovered attention and affection and can’t get enough. She still comes in and out as she pleases and definitely still has shy moments but I used to not even be able to look at her without her running back outside. She’s a sweet little thing! I can tell she’s still fighting her instincts to freak out, but she’s coming around.”

8. “This Is Robert, He Showed Up Tuesday Night At My Partner’s House”

Sajoel Hauberg

“He is a whopping 2 pounds, with a vet estimate of 2-5 years old. Now partner’s cat will be given lots of food, treats, love, and TLC. Welcome home, now your house Robert.”

9. “Friendly (Or Tsala In Setswana) Got Her Name Because, Of All The Feral Cats We Were Feeding, She Was The Only One Who’d Come To Us For Love And Attention”

Monica Dynowski Smith

“Unfortunately, she’s been ostracized from the group, but still comes to us daily for food and loving.”

10. “I Know This Is A Cat Page But Can Anyone Identify This Bird That Showed Up In My Birdbath Today?”

Jessie Heidelberg

11. “This Is Beau, Beau Lives Up The Road, Beau Seems To Forget This And Often Sneaks In And Makes Himself At Home In Our House”

Keith Terry

12. “Late Last September, I Was Busy Bringing Groceries Into The House When I Heard A Cat Near My House Absolutely Screaming Its Little Head Off”

BL Mouck

“I dropped everything (literally. Rip eggs) and went to investigate, assuming one of my fluffy dorks escaped and was terrified of the big outdoors. Nope. I was greeted by a very handsome void, except for a white patch on his chest. The rest, as they say, is history. Vader is now permanently indoors as a very spoiled, much-loved, sink-hogging kitty.”

13. “It’s Not A Mirror!! The Cheeto Inside Is Mine. I’ve Never Seen The Outside One Before”

Shannon Cugno

14. “I Have A Blanket At The End Of The Bed For Not My Cat. Apparently, He Wanted To Sleep On My Pillow Last Night”

Danielle France

15. “3 Months After My First Post Here, I Think This Chick Has Officially Moved To ‘My House, My Cat’ Status”

Jesse Knight

16. “Guess Which One Does Not Live Here My Good Dog Bed. Not My Good Cat”

Jo Webb

17. “Hagrid Chronicles Volume 6.7 I Arrived Home To Find This, Former Mhnmc In A New Lounge Spot. He Thinks He Owns The Joint”

Mirinda Moriarty

18. “This Was A Few Years Ago But This Fella Kept Climbing Up To My 4th Floor Balcony From The 2nd Floor”

Ashley Levy

“I kept returning him. His name is Nemo. I eventually called the whole ordeal ‘Finding Nemo’.”

19. “My Hotel Room Not My Cats Lmao Turned Up 10 Mins After I Arrived. Miaowed To Come In. Demanded Food”

Ritia Ftrh

20. “We Acquired Felix After He Kept Standing At Our Back Door Screaming At Us”

Natalie Stansby

“He lived 4 doors up so I took him home. But he was relentless and eventually they said we should keep him so he became ours.

Sadly he was pts last week at 18 years old.

We had him for 6 wonderful years. And he was very much my daughter’s cat.”

21. “This Is Taco Bird. He’s Thick In The Neck, And Short In The Tail”

Beth Lash

“He’s a community cat who’s found his way through our doggie door and into our hearts. The cat food bowls may have coaxed him in.”

22. “I Love When Intruders Come Into My House And Just Stare Me Down Like I’m The One Whose Broken In”

Victoria Balmforth

23. “I’m Starting To Think That Cheez-It (Former My House Not My Cat) Has Come Around To Accepting His New Home”

Nathaniel Parkinson

24. “This Is Tiggs. She Belongs To My Neighbour And Likes To Break Into My House”

Lily Lesh

“My neighbors are away and I walked into my bedroom to find this.”

25. “It Finally Happened! I Have Been Chosen!”

Jessica Ogle

“I was cooking dinner last night, with the kitchen window open, and I heard meowing. Assuming it was our resident void, I meowed back. Then she came walking around the corner from the bedroom. Wait… Who am I meowing to? Enter this SUPER friendly sweetheart.”

26. “Our Void Doesn’t Know How She Feels About Nmc Visits. Sometimes She Growls, Sometimes She Just Sits There And Watches Her”

Stacia Scott

27. “A Couple Of Nights Ago, My Boyfriend’s Sister And Her Fiancé Got A Surprise Guest”

Emily Anderson

“She came home from work and their dog did his security rounds, he found kitty under their guest bed. My boyfriend and I went to the rescue and utilized our cat parent skills to corner and scruff kitty so we could get her contained. She snuck in through an open doggy door. Not my house, but also definitely not our cat.”

28. “One Of My Cats Has A Habit Of Running Out The Door When My Kids Leave For School”

Roxanne DeBord

“If I whistle, she will come back like a dog, so this morning was no different. I whistled and heard feet pattering through the leaves in my backyard… but this is the guy who showed up instead. Definitely not my cat, but isn’t he beautiful?! My cat is also back home safe, too.”

29. “This Is Our House, Not Our Cat. We Call Her Susan, She Lives In The Neighborhood And Visits Regularly For A Treat”

Sharon Ruiz Nica

30. “I Bought Him A Litter Box Just In Case…This Is How He Uses It”

Melanie Przybyla

Nate Armbruster

Nate Armbruster is a stand-up comedian and writer based in Chicago who is likely writing a joke as you read this. Find him online at natecomedy.com.