Nothing boosts employee morale like a “bonus” that feels more like an insult. From the classic pizza party instead of a raise to gift cards that don’t cover a full meal, companies have truly outdone themselves in the art of being stingy.
If you’ve ever received a laughably bad holiday bonus or a reward that somehow cost your boss less than nothing, you’re not alone. These insulting employee bonuses prove that some companies will do anything to avoid giving actual money.
1. “Here’s A New One. If Our Store Makes The Most Sales Competitively We Earn A Pizza Party Not For Ourselves But For Our Bosses”
2. “Little ‘Gift’ My Wife Got One Year”
“Empty gift bag from work.”
3. “Company Gave Employees Cookies To Celebrate $10 Billion In Profits”
“Give the workers an extra day of PTO a year, or a raise, or working technology? Nah, how about COOKIES???”
4. “Happy Nurses’ Week”
5. “This Will Cover My Rising Rent”
6. “Employee Appreciation Day”
“Our local Walmart decided to show their appreciation for the hard work working employees who tirelessly work themselves to ensure that the shelves are stocked for customers.”
7. “Congrats On 35 Years For The Company! Here Is 12 Donuts”
“It’s kinda sad honestly after 35 years they think 12 donuts is good enough.”
8. “What My School Gave Its Teachers For Teacher Appreciation Week”
9. “My Wife’s Teacher Appreciation Gift From The Administrators Who Have Let Everyone Know All Year They Do Not Appreciate Them At All”
10. “Getting This As A Teacher Is Degrading. If You Want To Show Us Appreciation, Then Pay Us!”
11. “10 Year Symbol: Represents Durability And Flexibility. My Wife Got This From Work, She’s Been There 19 Years. They Gave This And A Bunch Of Other Random Stuff”
12. “For Christmas 2019, My Boss Gifted Us With 1 Work From Home Day In 2020”
13. “The Bring Your Own Potato Bar Hosted By My School For Teacher Appreciation”
14. “After A Year Nurse Shortages, Running Out Of PPE, Working Employees To The Bone Without Hazard Pay, This Is The Meal My Wife’s Hospital Had The Audacity To Serve For Nurse’s Appreciation Week”
15. “These Are Trying Times With High Inflation, Better Bust The Sticker Budget”
16. “2 Billion In Gross Profit”
17. “The Warehouse I Work At Was #1 In The Company For The 1st Quarter, Management Promised A Huge Reward, This Was It”
“The GM of the warehouse kept going on and on about how glad he was that we hit #1 because he’d be getting a bonus check ‘just in time for the warmer weather.’
Also a few suits from corporate came in to ‘personally and individually thank each of us’ and needless to say they neither talked to nor thanked nobody.”
18. “I Work At A Prison That Is Terribly Short Staffed, 12 Hour Overtime Shifts Are Mandated, And We’ve Just Been Informed That We Won’t Be Getting A Yearly Raise For Cost Of Living/Inflation. This Is Our ‘Mental Health Awareness Month’ Gift”
20. “This Snow Reminded Me Of That Time When My Employer Asked Us To Work In -40 Weather. Our Reward? A Hat”
“The hat reads ’40 Below Survivor 2019′ which sucks for a couple of reasons.
1. People literally could not make it in, and I had a number of factors that allowed me to do so and
2. It wasn’t at our facility, but another employee of the company actually died in the snow.
Your job doesn’t care about you. Stay warm and stay safe.”
21. “Our Work Christmas Bonus. Can’t Wait To Pay My Bills With This”
22. “My Friend Got A ‘Gift’ From Work. Chappy New Year”
23. “No Money Reward, No Time Off, Just Meaningless Things”
24. “Genuinely Ready To Quit! This Was My Bonus For Making The Company $85,000 In February”
“They gave me rainbow earphones because I’m part of the LGBT community. The earphones cost $2 on Amazon and didn’t work. This is a Fortune 50 company. I make gross $45,000 a year.”
25. “My Girlfriend’s Boss Handed This To Her In Her Office Saying, ‘These Are Being Handed Out From The Company.’ I’m Not Sure If This Is A Christmas Gift. What Do You All Think?”
26. “Last Week Boss Overhears Us Complaining About No Raises, This Week Everyone Get Cookies”
27. “A Competing Company Is Offering Us 20 Percent More To Work For Them. Management’s Response”
28. “My Company Has Given Each Employee 1-2 Bottles Of Expired Hand Sanitizer For “Employee Appreciation Day” 3 Years In A Row. Guess They Had Some Left Over From The Lockdowns”
“My husband works in HAZMAT. He’s 100% sure it’s because bulk disposal of 70% iso is too expensive, so they’d rather disperse it to staff and make us get rid of it for them.
It smells horrible and I almost never use hand sanitizer when soap and water is available.”