You’re 12, It’s 1am, And All Of Your Friends Are Sleeping Over. What Game Are You Playing? (15 Nostalgic Games)

Can you remember being 12? No bills. No job. No real responsibilities. We had it so good.

A question was posed on Reddit: “You’re 12 years old again, it is 1 am at night, your parents aren’t home, you got lots of snacks ready and your friends are over. What is the game you play?”

So many games flooded my mind, and many of them are discussed here. What was the game you played as a kid?

1. Lock Out

“Lock Out. All but one person would be locked outside the house with the end goal being to break in. The person inside must leave at least 2 possible entry points available at any given time, constantly trying to switch them before the would-be-robbers figured out how to get inside. Safe to say my parents weren’t too fond of finding a bunch of 12-year-olds trying to climb through their windows.” – yowhatssquishin

2. Manhunt

Manhunt Manhunt 1, 2, 3 caught caught caught!!!

“So many awesome memories with this one. It’s basically hide and seek x capture the flag.

One team hides, the other team tries to capture the hiding team by grabbing them and saying the “manhunt” line above. If you get caught you go to jail aka a stoop or a big tree. once everyone’s caught, the hiding team becomes the seeking team. The big catch is that If someone on the hiding team can tag his teammates who are in jail, they run free, like in some versions of capture the flag. So you’d always leave the fat friend (Me) behind as the jail guard and there’d always be a big jailbreak to keep the round going.

This one got real sketchy after age 12 or so when a few of my friends starting hitting puberty. Neighbors did not like seeing the six-foot shadow of one of us climbing on their garage.” – johnclayton

3. 007

“It wasn’t a video game, but we called it 007. Basically we waited until it was dark and had some older sibling with a car drive the group to some point within walking distance of the house. One person stayed in the car with a flashlight, and the rest had to try and get back to the house without being seen by the person in the car. If you were spotted by the car, you got in and helped look for everyone else.” – TransientMovement

4. Simpson’s Hit n’ Run

5. Go To The Barnyard

“Go to the barnyard!

Basically you need a big country yard, ideally with a barn or shed, at dark and like 4 people or more. One person is ‘it’ and the others hide

The person who is it roams around trying to find people but they need not touch anyone, they just need to identify them (hence it needing to be after dark). So if i was found or being chased the person who is it just needs to yell “Big T go to the barnyard!” And i would be caught. I would then go to the barnyard (a predetermined place that is a jail of sorts). Goal for the person who is it is to get everyone to the barnyard, but everyone hiding can also free the people caught by getting into the barnyard and yelling “the cows ars loose!”

Fuckin game was epic. But also dangerous, because some of the games featured hiding on top of 100ft silos, or in an actual barn with 800lbs cows

Only tough part about this game is it can be pretty open to cheating if youre not with honest people. But cheaters eventually are always found out and henceforth left out of games.” – bigt55555

6. Sardines

“Sardines. Like hide and seek in pitch black. But only one person hides and everyone else has to individually find them. When they do they join the hider and the last person to find the ‘sardines’ is the loser and the one to hide first next.” – dizzyspringer

7. Boredom

“We used to play this cool game called “how much pizza crust can Matthew fit in his mouth at once?””

8. All Of This

9. Um, ok?

“I was a horny ass 12-year-old. you want no answer from me.”

10. Role-Playing Games

“Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game (paper and dice….old school baby!)”

11. I Think I Was Too Old For Omegle

12. “Drugs.”

“Take crushed parsley leaves out of the spices cabinet, tell everybody it’s weed, roll a blunt and smoke it and watch them pretend to be high.” – SavageToTheTop

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Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome