Our New Favorite Twitter Account: @tastefactory

Pat Tobin (@tastefactory) is one of the first people I followed on Twitter. We share the same silly sense of humor and a deep love for horror movies. Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to hang out with Pat and he’s also just a really swell human being.

Here’s what he had to say in our weekly Pleated-Jeans twitter showcase.

PJ: What particular mental illness made you want to put yourself out there on the internet?

I have depression and anxiety. There’s a pretty constant voice in my head saying I suck. I think I put myself out there because I’ve realized over the years that there are a lot of other people who deal with similar problems and who have a skewed view of the world and how dumb life is. There’s really nothing more soothing than laughing at life, and making others laugh with you. Life is scary, being alone with your thoughts is scary. When you put those thoughts out there for a lot of people to read and share with you, it builds a sense of camaraderie, like everything’s gonna be ok for you, and for everyone else.

PJ: What’s the creepiest DM you’ve ever gotten from a fan?

I was added by some rando to a DM group with Edward Snowden and Grumpy Cat and the person sent an article about how an Indian movie wasn’t based on true events. Still have no idea what that was about.

PJ: If you could have dinner with anyone in history, alive or dead, who would it be or would you just eat 2 dinners by yourself?

Stephen King. I’d love to ask him a million questions about his process, inspiration, etc.

PJ: Do you think you need to have had a messed up childhood to be funny?

I don’t know if people need to have a messed up childhood to be funny but it’s a big plus. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease when I was 13 and was sick all the time and felt like an abnormal outsider when all the other kids had normal intestines. Since I was sick a lot I spent tons of time watching movies and reading and drawing and getting lost in my head. I think having trauma or difficulty in childhood forces you to build up a tough cynical worldview which is often best for comedy.

PJ: What was your introduction to comedy?

One of my friends growing up was insanely funny from when I met him at age 9. He ALWAYS had something funny to say, lightning-fast, to any situation that came up. It was a riot listening to him. He was someone who shaped my sense of humor. Also, as a teenager, I think The State on MTV was the first time I thought, “oh ok, there are other fucking weirdo lunatics out there with a dumb sense of humor.” It was the first time I felt understood, as weird as that may sound.

Some of Pat’s best tweets:
















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Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome