There are endless amounts of wholesome groups online. The latest one I’m enjoying is full of grocery store produce managers share pics of the displays they’ve built. The pics are oddly satisfying, wholesome, and impressive.
I worked at a grocery store for years and appreciate this type of dedication. It’s neat and organized. Plus, it’s nice to know that the people you work with are taking pride in their work.
So the next time you see a produce display this nice, make sure you don’t pick from the bottom.
1. “Just cleaned the potato wall…let’s see how long it takes the high school part timers to obliterate it.”
2. “Peppers, Avocado’s, Roma’s, Basil”
3. “My favorite part of the wet wall is doing the radishes and green onions. Here are a few I have done.”
4. “It’s a lot of effort for a display that’s gonna be torn apart within the hour.”
5. “Just waiting for celery.”
6. “Nobody tops my green onion game. No sign needed.”
7. “The Cinco de Mayo Mango Madness Display”
8. “My Soft Fruit And Citrus Table Today”
9. “Part Of My Morning”
10. “Shoutout To The Wet Wall Warriors”
11. “So in the past couple months the store I work at has been remodeling everything including the produce . And it’s still going on. But here is what we have so far in my department. I miss my flat wet wall.”
12. “Nothing Special, Just The Wet Wall”
13. “Whatcha thoughts? Couldn’t think of anything to put in the middle so I had to get creative.”
14. “Stack ‘Em High, Sell ‘Em Cheap”
15. “Throwback To Apple Season. Did All This To Have Someone Pick From The Bottom”
16. “Sometimes I Do Miss Produce Display Making”
17. “Stupid Tomatillos Messed It All Up”
18. “Time Of The Season”
19. “Working On A Table Like This Is A Project, To Say The Least”
20. “Main Tropical Display”
21. “When They Send You 96 Cases”
22. “My environment friendly cut section.”
23. “Plumcot Jubilee Destination End Cap”
24. “This Is Our Native Front End Display”
25. “My Full Wet Rack Set, Somewhat Shopped”
26. “Organic Squash And Melons”
27. “Stocked The Bananas For Today”
28. “Just Got Some Local Figs”
29. “Fun With Color And Texture This AM”
30. “Tropical Display I Had To Make”
31. “My Display This Morning”
32. “Our Texas Display From The Other Week”
33. “When They Told Me To Get All The Potatoes And Onions Out Of The Back”
34. “Avocado Event Display That I Created”
h/t: Ranker