People Are Sharing The Mildly Interesting Things They’ve Seen In The World (50 Pics)

It’s time we looked at photos that make us mildly intrigued and satisfied. Remember, it’s the little things.

Though it might seem silly to appreciate a tiny interesting thing, it somehow makes you feel warm inside to know someone took the time to make something functional and cool.

That’s where Reddit comes in. The people on that website spend their lives digging for cool stuff to post on the internet.

Sometimes, it’s cool enough we have to share it with you.

Here are the coolest mildly interesting photos I had time to find today:

1. I have been keeping a collection of the tiny balls in pen ink cartridges since middle school.

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2. My mug is sweating tea through the cracks in the ceramic.

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3. I found an Amazon box from 1997 in my basement.

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4. My egg had triplets.

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5. My Dad found apples in tomato boxes labeled as blueberries.

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6. Mum boiled the purple potatoes with the corn. Now we have pink corn.

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7. I found a ladybug with reversed colors in my room.

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8. Came home today and found this bird on my balcony chair fully equipped with nest and egg.

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9. This pan matches my sink.

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10. A bar I went to renamed the Moscow Mule to Kiev Mule.

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11. A bandage was included in the box with my paring knife order.

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12. This stack of papers kinda looks like Master Shake.

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13. This little VW van.

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14. This packet of sponges came with a free hedgehog.

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15. This apple with two stems that I bought.

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16. In the Netherlands there are beer couriers so students can order large volumes without having to get them from the shops.

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17. Giant strawberry I found.

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18. A huge swarm of ground wasps moved in overnight.

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19. The instructions on my oatmeal say to cook it longer in the French translation.

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20. My leggings matched the chair at the vacation rental.

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21. the vet put a warning on my dogs medicine for him not to operate heavy machinery or drive while affected.

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22. My son and I walked past a washed up skull of a humpback whale today at Ocean Beach in San Francisco.

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23. Husband has a book with a broken spine that’s made out of newspaper reporting Lincoln’s assassination.

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24. I bowled at a vintage alley where actual people reset the pins and roll the bowling balls back. The scores are kept on glass and projected above.

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25. This bus stop advertisement was taken out of its case, vandalised and then placed back in its case.

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27. This enormous hex key.

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28. I’m at a townie bar in rural Wisconsin, they have a headrest at the urinals in the men’s room.

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29. The gas station by my house has a full bar inside.

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30. These crisps tell you the name of the person who made them.

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31. I found a Roman coin while out walking.

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32. I zipped my jacket to my hoodie perfectly without realizing.

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33. My 34-year-old VHS copy of The Land Before Time

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34. This weird caterpillar I found outside my house.

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35. My friend’s outfit exactly matched my coffee cup today.

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36. 72 Carat Tourmaline

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37. I saw my door in a book.

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38. This circle that appeared in the evening sky over Beijing, China

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39. My chickens greeting me when I come home from work.

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40. A little girl in my sons kindergarten class made everyone handmade soap for Valentine’s Day

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41. Febreze bottle with bottom part removed.

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42. Asked for extra pickles and got 25.

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43. Military Food Heating Instructions

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44. Found this flower growing out of the floor crack in my flat.

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45. This pizza place in Japan has been counting pizzas for 60 years.

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46. A spot where an MTA (from NY) worker stands when a train is about to come.

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47. My prescription glasses lenses are so thick when fitted to these vintage aviator frames.

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48. A random, big ice diamond by the road. My lighter for scale.

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49. Making Door Trim and Found a Hunter’s Long Lost Bullet

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50. This urinal making for a pee-free floor at a local restaurant.

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h/t Reddit: r/mildlyinteresting


Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome