35 Cool And Clever Designs Spotted Around The World That Redefine Creativity

In a landscape saturated with cool concepts and clever applications, these standout designs epitomize the zenith of creative ingenuity. Crafted by resourceful designers, they not only boast cool visuals but also demonstrate clever utility.

These designers have expanded the frontiers of creativity, injecting cool innovation into everyday items and advertisements alike. From multifunctional furniture that alters form with a simple twist to clever urban installations that engage with their surroundings, each design is a testament to the designer’s profound grasp of form and function.

This compilation is a tribute to the ability of designers to transform the ordinary into extraordinarily creative, affirming that cool and clever designs transcend mere aesthetics, embodying smart and innovative thought.

1. “Itsukushima Shinto Shrine Appears On The Dish When Sauce Is Poured On It””Itsukushima Shinto Shrine Appears On The Dish When Sauce Is Poured On It”

2. “The Bollards Outside This School In Dublin Look Like Pencils”

3. “This College Made A Water Bottle With A Map Of The Campus On It. It Also Shows Places Where You Can Fill It Up”

4. “The Logo On My Umbrella Only Shows Up When Wet”


6. “This Bench Is Made From A Curled-Up Paving Stone”

7. “This Benjamin Franklin Mug I Just Got With A Slot To Make The End Of Your Tea Bag The Kite””This Benjamin Franklin Mug I Just Got With A Slot To Make The End Of Your Tea Bag The Kite”



10. “Raincoat Reveals A Floral Pattern When Wet”

11. “A Clock Where The Numbers Rotate Rather Than The Hands”

12. “National Geographic Gallery Uses Its Logo As A Door Handle”



15. “A Skate Shop & A Butcher Shop Are Located Next To Each Other. They Share One Sign”





20. “You Can ‘Light’ And ‘Extinguish’ The Flames On The Menorah”

21. “IBM Ad-Smart Ideas for Smarter Cities”

22. “Double page HP Laptop ad disguised to look like two ads in magazine”

23. “McDonalds sun clock from 2006.”

24. “Thailand PSA ad against driving while sleepy”

25. “Mercedes-Benz Christmas advertisement”

26. “Erdal Shoe Polish”

27. “An advertisement for Keloptic.com – a french website that sells glasses”

28. “Advertising both their pens and razors”

29. “Denver Water billboard”





34. “Daihatsu Van”




Nate Armbruster

Nate Armbruster is a stand-up comedian and writer based in Chicago who is likely writing a joke as you read this. Find him online at natecomedy.com.