Wayne Gretzky once said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take,” but the problem is, none of us are that great. You tried, but failed, and that’s okay. You’ll get ’em next time!
1. Bought a house in July and they graciously left me a mini fridge in the basement, after moving all my beer and alcohol downstairs I discovered it was in fact a freezer.

2. My Cooked just done ready to eat macaroni.
3. Went camping, set a new bug bite record.
4. Spent 10 minutes looking for the drip tray for the Forman grill, after I turned it on.
6. Pulled up next to a truck at the store, and well…
7. “Hey, boss? I’m going to be late for work today.”
8. After my 17th near-heart-attack, I realized- I really need to move my lamp.
9. Dropped my wireless mouse into my candle.
10. So I found out that my shoes have a hole in them… At the urinal at work.
11. I spilled 50,000 2mm glass beads on the ground and I now have to sort them by hand.
12. So.. Got my shiny new Tablet in Monday – Delivered with care from FedEx…
13. An entire summers worth of love.
14. Stepped on a lego right after taking a shower when my skin was still sensitive, it made me bleed in two spots.
15. Moved the flour away from the kid so he wouldn’t make a mess….and I knocked it off the counter with my elbow.
16. This has not been my week.
17. Long story short, I saw a cockroach.
18. Morning jog.
19. At the gas station today and saw this. Someone is having a bad day.
20. A lovely note. Happened to me once, so I can relate.
21. After chugging down half my water bottle that I keep by my bed, I felt something solid enter my mouth, which I immediately spat back into the bottle, I went to the sink and poured it out; it was a cockroach. I now am gargling mouthwash non-stop. It’s friggin 6am on a Monday.
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